शुक्रवार, 16 अक्टूबर 2020




 A bachelor's degree is commonly required, but some employers prefer a master's degree in computer science, information science or a related field. Employers also want to see at least 3 years of IT experience, with 5 to 10 years of experience for upper-level positions.

Introduction to IT professional. The IT sector is said to be the quickest growing and dynamic industry in the world. ... The IT professional meaning Information Technology; therefore any person associated with the computer world in any form can be said to be an IT professional in layman terms

Top Characteristics of Successful IT Professionals

Technology buff: Doing what one loves, can increase the efficiency of the work. ... 

Having a deeper understanding of data: This sector runs on data. ... 

Better communication skills: ... 

They must possess a working knowledge regarding the technical area: ... 

A team player: ... 

Interested in learning:

IT Professional – In-demand Jobs

Technical support, in this field one, deals with PC, laptop repair, and maintenance, installation and set up, configuration, etc.

Networking, here professionals install networks and take care of the efficient functioning of these network systems.

Internet and website designing, here professionals design, develop and maintain websites and web pages.

Programming, here the experts develop and design programs for different sectors, such as operating systems, games and word processors.

Database creation, here the experts develop and designs database software to update and manage various types of databases.

Software development. Here experts develop software to manage different things, like production, resources, finances, etc.


IT professionals work to create the computer, network, and communication systems that an organization needs, and then work to ensure that these systems are working correctly and efficiently. They must ensure that systems stay secure, technology support is available, and that updates are made as needed.

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  Computer support is the process of providing diagnostic, troubleshooting, maintenance and repair services to a computer or similar device....